Book Review: “My Name is Toni” by Waithira Francis

A charming book

Eric Rugara
2 min readSep 2, 2020

A story narrated oh so simply. A story of growing up, coming of age, and discovering what the world holds. Toni grows up and leaves Kenya for France, a country she has been in love with since childhood — or rather, she has been in love with the French language since she was a little girl and is determined to go to the place where people speak French in all its native glory.

Toni is a determined person. She was a mischievous girl. From early on she knew who she was and what she wanted and went for it. One time when a cousin with smelly feet came to visit and overstayed his welcome, it was the little Toni who was given the job of telling him to get lost. Because she was the only one who had the guts. A job she executed with wit, cunning, and daring. And it worked.

The writing style is simple, the words simple. I found it beautiful. In a way, the style reminded me, particularly in the sections dealing with childhood, of the Enid Blyton storybooks I read as a child. There is an atmosphere that comes with those Enid Blyton storybooks, where you just relax and let the story envelop you like a blanket of cosiness, and that’s what this book does. Tony Mochama told the author that her book is unputdownable and I agree. I have been reading mostly in the morning and evening commute in the matatu. The simple writing style makes it a fast, thoroughly enjoyable read.

Toni grows up and goes to France. Coming of age stories often feature characters leaving home and learning about the world. What do you call a story where the character not only leaves their home but also their country? There are many challenges and troubles in Toni’s life, mainly to do with her romantic relationships, starting with her marriage.

When the story ends, Toni is around thirty. The ending makes me feel that a sequel is on the way. I hope so. The last sentence is “my name is Toni”, which to me felt like a superhero moment. Like the whole book is the origin story of a superhero called Toni. And that last sentence is like when Batman says for the first time ever, "I’m Batman". If I had to describe My Name is Toni in one word, it would be charming.

